Hey everyone! It has been a long time since Ive posted and I have very exciting news.... I got my call to Ukraine Donetsk, Russian speaking! Everyone knows this already, but I had to officially post it. I couldnt ask for a more perfect place for me, I am ready for the challenge of the language, and Im ready to fight the cold weather as well. At the same time the people are in a state where they are ready for the gospel. My Mission President emailed me and he said that Ukraine has been prepared for the gospel. I know there are people that I have been fore-ordained to find and teach to. I hear that the mission includes a lot of community service opportunities. I look forward to serving in the orphanages, those poor babies never get held. I cant believe how fast time is flying I received my call over a month ago, before I know I will be saying goodbye to everyone entering in to the MTC.
Im still working full time at Itok, Seth is starting here in about a week, it will be fun to work with him again. He'll be replacing me on this team, I love my co-workers.
And of course right before the mission, I all of a sudden have a lot of dating opportunities, but this doesnt hold me back, just makes life more fun.
I plan on using this blog on my mission, it will be a happening site once Im out in the field. love you all.........Kerns

Helloo!! Its been quite a while! Im sure you are all having a Karen famine. :) Life is just too crazy to keep up with this blog, but my sister has convinced me to post my missionary pics so here I am.
Hello fans...
So hello again everyone.. now that Im home and well traveled its about time I updated this blog. Im sure you all wondered what the in the world I have been up to. Well as most of you know, I decided to go out to Georgia to sell pest control. This is something that I had been planning on for months, but strangely a few days before I was going to fly out I had all of these doubts. I pushed those aside and went out anyways thinking if I forced myself it would feel right eventually. But you cant do summer sales on that kind of an attitude. You have to give your all, or you cant do it at all. I was seeing an end coming quickly after the first day, so I figured its better to back out now before I get invested in the team. Anyways Im home now, but I had a really really nice week with Coleen, Seth and Ethan. They are such a happy, loving family. I have a greater respect for both of them and what they do. Seth is an extremely hard worker, and Coleen is a loving selfless mother. I was able to expereince both of their roles out there. Coleen and I hit the pool a lot, we all played back alley, ( I told ya'll DONT mess with me :) ) and I babysat Ethan while Coleen sold (she still hasn't lost her mad sales skills) , and enjoyed catching up with Coleen and Seth, Im going to miss them.
So here I am, jobless.......... I have applied at Ruthanne and Coleen's old job, Im waiting to hear back. I really need to get employed asap. Because of my decision to stay home I accepted that I will have to delay my mish a bit to earn enough money, thats ok, Ill suffer the consequences.
Its really good to be back with family and friends. I have a nice summer ahead of me. Unfortunately this blog wont be as interesting, so Im sorry about those lowlife stalkers out there that thrive off of my posts... Maybe you are now forced to go get your own life. Ill keep you up to date on the job search.. love you all!
Hey internet is back up, thanks for all your comments and emails! I think I have a better idea of what missionaries are talking about when they say they live for mail and contact from their family. So the other day was capri, here are a couple pics.
Hey, I havent been able to post very easily the last week or so because my wireless internet is unpredictable, so Im using the hotels computer now. Ill try and post tomorrow some pics of what Ive been up to.
Yesterday we went to the Island of Capri off the coast of Napols. This is a really tiny island, that is lush green with steeping cliffs. I heard there was some great cliff jumping and hikes but we didnt realize how much traveling time it would take to get there and back so we didnt have much time on the island. We took a two hour train ride to Napels, then a hour and a half boat ride. The train ride was nice because we met some nice Italians, and it was nice to get out of the city and see some pretty green scenery, lots of beautiful vineyards. Then the boat ride was relaxing as we coasted across the Mediteranean. The Island was absolutely beautiful, even better than Hawaii!! We lounged on a really nice beach, and layed out while the water washed up on our feet.
All last year when I was working at that phone job, I had a picture of gorgeous beach in my cubicle that I would daydream about, it was my motivation. And yesterday there I was inside that picture Ive been dreaming about!
Today we are getting some last minute shopping done, and also seeing the Mouth of Truth, (supposedly bites your hand off if you lie)... then we are going to an Italian opera tonight! wahoo Im very excited. then tomorrow we are going to Pompeii and Naples.. Cant wait to see all of you. There has been some drama with one of the girls, and she is just flipping out at everyone, Im very ready to ecsape the drama, but I know these last few days will be great.