The Pantheon

The Pantheon was incredible.   This was the architectural masterpiece that has stood since 125 AD.  It is the best preserved ancient building in the world. The dome is gigantic, and its boggled people's minds on how its been able to stand its own weight all through the centuries, they concluded that the concrete was replaced by pumice rock which is lighter in weight towards the top.  The walls are 19 feet thick to hold up the dome.    Because of the thickness of the walls, there could be no windows, so there was an oculus (the all seeing eye) put in at the top shedding the only light in the whole building.  When it rains the rain falls through the hole into some small drains on the marble floor.  The Pantheon was richly decorated, we paid a few euro to get an audio guide tour through it.  Raphael's tomb is buried inside, he requested that he was buried here.   We stopped for some food outside the Pantheon, I had some lasagna it was to die for.


Aimee Ward said...

Wow, what neat building the Pantheon looks to be. 125 AD? Wonder if my home will last that long? :)

Hope you're safe. Try not to draw too much attention to yourself. You're an American girl and Rome's crawling with anti-American muslims.

Love Dad

Hi Karen,

We love your blog. Its really beautiful there. Is everything going O.K. with the language? And your girls? Don't trust anyone with a deep Italian accent who wispers in your ear!
You have to be careful right? right?
I am so happy you are having this experience. And I love and miss you.
Love Mom

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