Georgia : a no go

So hello again everyone.. now that Im home and well traveled its about time I updated this blog. Im sure you all wondered what the in the world I have been up to. Well as most of you know, I decided to go out to Georgia to sell pest control. This is something that I had been planning on for months, but strangely a few days before I was going to fly out I had all of these doubts. I pushed those aside and went out anyways thinking if I forced myself it would feel right eventually. But you cant do summer sales on that kind of an attitude. You have to give your all, or you cant do it at all. I was seeing an end coming quickly after the first day, so I figured its better to back out now before I get invested in the team. Anyways Im home now, but I had a really really nice week with Coleen, Seth and Ethan. They are such a happy, loving family. I have a greater respect for both of them and what they do. Seth is an extremely hard worker, and Coleen is a loving selfless mother. I was able to expereince both of their roles out there. Coleen and I hit the pool a lot, we all played back alley, ( I told ya'll DONT mess with me :) ) and I babysat Ethan while Coleen sold (she still hasn't lost her mad sales skills) , and enjoyed catching up with Coleen and Seth, Im going to miss them.
So here I am, jobless.......... I have applied at Ruthanne and Coleen's old job, Im waiting to hear back. I really need to get employed asap. Because of my decision to stay home I accepted that I will have to delay my mish a bit to earn enough money, thats ok, Ill suffer the consequences.
Its really good to be back with family and friends. I have a nice summer ahead of me. Unfortunately this blog wont be as interesting, so Im sorry about those lowlife stalkers out there that thrive off of my posts... Maybe you are now forced to go get your own life. Ill keep you up to date on the job search.. love you all!


Ruthanne said...

Geez it's been a while since you posted, I almost had to get a life! Dont scare me like that! Hey Karen, sorry it didnt work out in Atlanta, but at least you go to hang out with the Ure's, and I'm glad I get to see you this summer!

Laura J. Ward said...

oKAY!!!!?? Thanks Karen. You know that you're speaking directly to your family when you say that!?

But it's true...I'm glad you posted too...I was starting to get crazy ideas about what to do with my time...I almost left the house today!

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